Vice Versa Global Magazine - FFP Special Edition 2023
There’s something in the air: a dream of a new future.
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The Future is Feminist - Special Edition 2023
In this special, we want to inform and inspire people to contribute to making the forthcoming FFP relevant and impactful. Wonderful examples abound in this magazine; not only from women, but also from men who are championing feminist principles.
As Vice Versa Global, it is our norm to share compelling stories that inspire change and champion opinionated youth in a variety of vital issues that effect constructive and lasting change in our society.
Join us, in this edition it is about breaking unequal power relations and bringing about systemic change. That goes beyond empowering half of the world’s population, so that it can participate in existing systems that have actually contributed to structural inequalities.
In this Edition...
Dreaming of a Feminist Future by Sarah Haaij and Marlies Pilon
‘It’s not about completing a checklist, but about real systemic change’
‘What’s truly risky is not doing it’ by Sarah Haaij and Marlies Pilon
It’s quite a task: taking a stand against the anti-gender movement, realizing social and economic justice, standing up for the rights of
girls, women, refugees, migrants...
Feminism became commonplace ... by Jan-Albert Hootsen
Domestically, Mexico has been struggling with rising
violence against women for years, but it has taken
a completely different course across the border.
‘Feminism felt like liberation’ by Elian Yahye
A word from four male allies.
Everyone benefits from gender
Download this FFP Special Edition of the Vice Versa Global Magazine for more inspiring stories from young leaders, thinkers and doers from the heart of communities.