In a world where the narrative surrounding Africa often focuses on its challenges and struggles, Vice Versa Media Ghana has launched a news platform dubbed: Beyond the Pole. The aim is to shed light on the African continent’s positive stories and accomplishments. A platform that is set to revolutionize the way Africa is perceived in the West and inspire a shift in mindset.
Beyond the Pole will amplify the power of journalism as a transformation tool to address issues on gender equality, Youth Empowerment, Philanthropy, Health, Agriculture, Food Security, Climate change, and social Inclusivity etc. It will feature engaging news segments, captivating interviews, and thought-provoking discussions. “Beyond the Pole” seeks to showcase the vibrant spirit and progressive initiatives that are shaping the future of Africa through voices of the youth.
The program consists of three dynamic segments tailored to engage and inform our audience: The Main News, Paparazzi, and VVMG Connect.
The program will consist of the main news segment, paparazzi and VVMG Connect.
Under the Main News segment, viewers will get an exclusive glimpse into the lives of Africa’s movers and shakers. From influential leaders and entrepreneurs to talented artists and activists, the segment will celebrate the achievements of individuals and Communities making a positive impact on the society, the continent and beyond. The news will deliver the latest and most significant headlines from around the world, keeping viewers abreast of great initiatives and key developments from Africa.
Paparazzi, the second segment, injects an exciting dose of entertainment into the program. Here, audiences are treated to a lively array of vox pops and trending topics sourced from diverse corners of the globe. This segment ensures viewers stay entertained and connected to the pulse of popular culture.
VVMG Connect offers viewers a unique opportunity to actively participate in the news discourse. Through our various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and more, viewers can engage directly with the program, sharing their thoughts, opinions, and questions in real-time. VVMG Connect transforms the viewing experience into a dynamic dialogue, fostering community interaction and enhancing the immediacy and relevance of the news.
Beyond the Pole will be hosted by four charismatic presenters – Mark Kwadwo Acheampong, Stella Botchwey, Mary Awah, and Anita Gbeku.
Stay tuned for the premiere of “Beyond the Pole” on Friday, 26th of April 2024, an exciting adventure to showcase the best of Africa and ignite a new narrative of Change, hope, and possibility. The program will be aired on the last Friday of every month.
“Beyond the Pole: Empowering the African voice!”
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